Superstage® Pinpoint Stimulation
Superstage® Pinpoint Stimulation, or SPS, delivers pinpoint entry and uniform distribution of stimulation fluids across the entire reservoir interval, regardless of horizontal length, without the need for mid-operation intervention.
Entech's patented SPS technique gives operators the flexibility to design a stimulation treatment that is optimized for the formation, whether matrix-acid, acid-frac, or prop-frac, with no limitation on spacing, treatment rate or fluids.

15-25% reduction in well cost through streamlined, intervention-less pumping operations.

Tight Carbonates
5-20% production uplift due to maximized stimulation radius in extended reach horizontals.
Save time
Double your well delivery rate.
Save water
Up to 50% reduction in completion phase water use.
Save cost
Overcome oil price volatility.
Calculate your savings
Let us estimate your savings by switching from Plug-and-Perf to Superstage®.

Thinking Green
One aspect of market driven innovation is an appreciation of the forces at work and it is Entech's firm belief that environmental responsibility will be the driving force in the energy industry for years to come. As such, we put this at the forefront when evaluating and developing new technologies.
Superstage ® mitigates the environmental impact of shale hydrocarbon development in the following ways:
Something for you?

Request Proposal
Our technical proposals include a completion recommendation, equipment specifications and price estimate.

Team Up
Calling all pumping service providers! You provide the services, we provide the tools. Triple your fleet utilization by teaming up with Entech on the latest game-changing stimulation technique.

Schedule Presentation
Whether a formal lunch-and-learn or brief introduction, our team values face time over emails and phone calls.

Entech offers a number of investment opportunities to support the commercialization and growth of its product lines. Request a prospectus here.

Technical Data Sheets